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This Saturday's Skillshare Schedule at the UHL Market Stand

From: Lisa G.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 2:51 PM
Hi everyone. The Urban Homesteaders' League Market Stand is in full swing! We've done two great stands so far, and we have another one this Saturday at the Union Square Farmers' Market in Somerville.

Here's the skillshare schedule:

10:00am Urban Composting with Helen Snively

10:45am Making Kombucha with Annabelle Ho

11:30am Making Herbal Salves with Iris Weaver

12:15pm Making Jam with Alexa Photopolous

If you're planning to come, don't forget to bring something you've made or grown (or materials to make or grow something) for the swap table.

You can follow the project on the UHL Blog:

We hope to see you there!

all the best,

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