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Represent the UHL at upcoming Urban Ag Fairs!

From: Sam M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 7:02 PM

Hi dedicated Urban Homesteaders, it's agriculture fair season! It would be great to have UHL tables at some fairs to spread the word, and also to put out a donation jar. We need to make rent at Meetup, I'm sorry to say.

We're wondering if 2 or 3 of you would be willing to represent the UHL at two local urban ag fairs:

This Sunday, Jamaica Plain's Urban Ag Fair, Loring Greenough House, 10-2

  • You'd be in charge at this one! I can't commit to being there. It all seems pretty small and casual.
  • Bring some home-canned goodies to sample, or some veggies you grew, or some baking, or whatever urban homesteading projects you do.
  • Talk about how great UHL is, and show people how to sign up. Print out some info about upcoming events, perhaps. Ideally make a pretty sign for the table.
  • Put out a donation jar.

Next Sunday, Sept. 22, Harvard Sq. Urban Ag Fair, 12-4

  • I'll be there for this one, but I'd love your help and company!

Please reply ASAP if you can help, especially with this Sunday. It is hardly the end of the world if we can't have a presence there; I know it's last minute. But I thought I'd ask.

Thank you!!


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