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Tomorrows Event.....

From: Randy C.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 2:02 PM

<p>Hey everyone!<p/>

<p>I am so excited to get together tomorrow evening. Please let all your friends know about this event so we can just gather and get to know one-another, eat a few treats, see everyones favorite images from the last year and to listen to a great photographers perspective on his use of his talents.<p/>

<p>If you are willing, please bring a snack or treat of some kind.  I have listed a bunch of options on facebook so jump over there and take a peek for some ideas.  I have also posted a few instructions on sending images to me if you have not already done so....<p/>


<p>See your then!<p/>


<p>Keep shooting<p/>


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