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What we’re about

As software crafters we are:

• language agnostic 

• platform agnostic 

• community driven 

• quality focused

• passionate about the craft

• passionate about learning

• interested in getting to know others with the same interests

Since Feb 2011, we have welcomed all who are interested in creating great software to join our monthly meetings.

Though explicit recruiting at the meetup is discouraged, we feel that this is a great event to meet people you'd want to work with.

Also at:

• Online hub at

• Slack team at You can sign up at 

We have a different format from your usual technology user group.  Here is our format:

• 0-3 Lightning talks (capped at 5 minutes each) - Any attendee is invited to talk about whatever topic they feel will be of interest to the group

• ~30 min - Reading Discussion (usually a chapter or two from a book or a blog post)

• ~60 min - Coding Exercise (we've done guided katas, randori, open coding of a problem, experiences... really anything as long as everyone is coding)

Upcoming events (4+)

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