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What we’re about

Welcome to the...

Vancouver Business, Marketing & Entrepreneur Meeetup group.

Now that the worldwide pandemic and BC lockdowns are over and down with, our task as business and professionals in Vancouver is to pick up the pieces and help each other recover.

Not every business is back to normal levels, many businesses are still riddled with debt and struggling to survive.

But with every challenge comes new opportunities and solutions. Come out and meet other professionals in the city, regardless of whether their business directly relates to you or not, in small group settings and you'll find that everyone will benefit from the networking.

If you are in business today, then come out to give your business, and others, the upper hand!


Are you a go getter and looking for "the edge" for your business? Do you find Vancouver to be a challenging place to sell, market and do business in? That's why you're determined to make your business a shining star and a financial success!

Welcome to the Vancouver Business, Marketing and Entrepreneur meetup. We're a large and well connected network of businesses, marketers, entrepreneurs and internet (social media) experts that gather to give educational presentations on a variety of topics, all designed to help you raise your bottom line. Events include networking events, seminars, presentations, and more!


Our members are just like you, eager to network and meet each other, eager to learn, and all wanting to discover how to become more efficient and profitable

The goal of this group is to allow powerful networking that fosters important relationships to help your business succeed. You don't have to go at it alone, we're all in it their small to large businesses.

We welcome you to the group and look forward to seeing you.