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New Meetup: SolaceMusicNation PRESENTS!

From: Gina L.
Sent on: Sunday, November 8, 2009, 8:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Live music lovers in Vancouver!!!!

What: SolaceMusicNation PRESENTS!

When: November 9,[masked]:30 PM

The Tipper Restaurant
2066 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5N2T

Come spend an awesome evening with some of Vancouver's best emerging artists!

Admission is $5

The Tipper is Vancouver's best new intimate music venue!

Shows start promptly at 8pm, so come early and have dinner!

5 AMAZING singer/songwriters every week!!

This week featuring:


Gillian Hobbs is an emerging folk/acoustic artist on the Vancouver scene. She has just released her debut album, "Something to Write Home About." Inspired by brilliant folk musicians like Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Alan Doyle, and Jann Arden, Gillian's music is honest, heartfelt and inspiring. Her lyrics chronicle the triumphs and failures of the human spirit and emphasize the need we all have to get through even the roughest of times. She wants her listeners to take her words to heart and encourages them to follow their dreams. "At the end of the day," she says, "I hope my music helps people, but if they just walk away humming a bar or two, that's great too."


Reminiscent of Feist, Bjork and The Cranberries, there is a naturally evocative, reflective nostalgia to Gina-Lily's voice... and she isn?t afraid to power up the energy and fill the room! Her ever evolving songwriting is layered with metaphor and wrapped in memorable melodies. Her songsmithing, together with her spirit and her palpable, tender ecstasy for music, holds audiences sweetly enraptured. She is currently at work on her first full length album (January 2010).



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