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McDonalds drops egg producer Sparboe Farms

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Friday, November 18, 2011, 8:19 AM
Aired on Good Morning America this morning, a Brian Ross investigation stated that McDonalds has dropped egg producer Sparboe Farms for animal cruelty and unsanitary conditions, THANKS TO A MERCY FOR ANIMALS UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATION AND VIDEO!!  Thank you MERCY FOR ANIMALS!!!!   And thank you Brian Ross for your work and GMA for having the decency to finally show evil factory farm animal cruelty on the air!!  YES!!!!  Great thing to wake up to!!

Of course an executive from Sparboe farms took the ABC news reps on a "guided tour" of a well lit, cleaned up factory barn (requiring all to wear protective gear), saying "sanitation is a high priority" and "the filth and vermin seen on the undercover tape was an aberration!"  They also said that the employees on the tape (one seen swinging a live chicken over his head on a long rope) were all fired.  They also said the other abuse on the tape was too bad to show on the air.  Go figure!!

If anyone can find a link of the GMA clip, please send it to me so I can forward to the list?   Thank you!!

Thank you thank you thank you, Nathan Runkle and MERCY FOR ANIMALS!!!!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


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Think of me tonight, for that which you savor. 
Did it give you something real, or could you taste the pain of my death in its flavor?
    ~Wayne K. Tolson "Food Forethought"

~ Animals have their own voices, but few listen.  
   Those of us who hear them, must help them to be heard. ~

Get involved!  The World is run by people who show up.  ~Unknown