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What we’re about

Above: Outreach at NC Pride 2015 - individuals try Beyond Chicken and pledge to go meatless on Mondays

Are you interested in saving as many farm animals as you possibly can? 

You have found the right group.

Our activities and events are based on compassionately promoting ways to encourage the public to reduce their meat consumption and increase the availability of plant-based (vegan) options in the Triangle and greater North Carolina (activities are in/near the Triangle area typically) in the most efficient way possible (in both time and expense). These include, primarily:

Leafleting colleges and concerts as a part of the Adopt a College program;

Tabling at festivals, colleges, and other events and giving out vegan food and literature as part of Triangle Meatless Monday

• Working with restaurants, schools, hospitals, and larger businesses to implement Meatless Monday and increase plant-based (vegan) options

• Supporting other veg groups with other outreach activities, including film screenings, festivals, and the Bull City Vegan (Chef) Challenge

Our outreach style is modeled on Vegan Outreach, The Humane League, and Mercy for Animals. Please take a look at those groups, and if you have new ideas for outreach, please share them!

Why do we promote Meatless Monday as a vegan group?

Based on research at the Humane League Labs, individuals are more likely to reduce their meat consumption if they are asked to cut back/reduce rather than asked to go vegan.  In fact, the research found:

"In this study, the combination message of “cut out or cut back on” meat and other products appeared to work best.  It led to more reduction in animal product consumption than encouraging “vegetarian” eating ... or “vegan” eating..."

The impact of instituting Meatless Monday at schools and large businesses is huge as these institutions serve hundreds of thousands of meals per day.   Join us to make an impact for animals!

Above: co-organizer Alex leaflets at NC Pride 2015, where we distributed 800 Compassionate Choices brochures and 1,000 Beyond Chicken samples.

We have very few meetings or social events since our focus is outreach.  If you are interested in social activities, check out the Triangle Vegetarian and Vegan Meetup Group and the Triangle Vegan Social Club as well as the Triangle Vegetarian Society (TVS). 

However, we do host a monthly "Vegan Drinks" event - the 2nd Friday of every month in Durham. Come and say hello. You can follow specials and updates here too:

Above: Vegan Drinks participants, September 2015

You don't have to be vegan to join, but we're looking for people interested in moving along that path and encouraging others to as well.

For a great background, please read 'The Animal Activist's Handbook' by Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich. It’s an easy read and covers the basics of why and how to do vegan outreach. Another great book is 'Change of Heart' by Nick Cooney, a must read for animal activists.

We look forward to hearing from you!  If you are interested in joining this group, or have any questions about this group at all, please contact Eleni  (co-organizer). Newbies welcome and encouraged!