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Meeting after Meetup tomorrow

From: Dedra
Sent on: Friday, August 5, 2011, 5:34 PM


Hi Everyone! We hope to see you tomorrow at noon at our August Meetup - Picnic theme. Please RSVP so we can have enough seats set up. Also, anyone who can come early, at 11:30 to help set up, Please, Please, we could use your help. AFTER our Air-Conditioned Picnic, we will meet to set up committees. So if you'd be interested in taking on a little responsibility and ownership of the group, please plan on staying later. Here are some of the committee/position choices: Set up, Restaurant Guide, Websites, Secretary/Note-taker, Animal activism, Social/Planning. Jenn and I are looking forward to working with you guys to keep our group the Greatest in the World! ;)




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