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New Meetup: VLAB: The Software Powered Innovations in Energy - MONITOR, ANALYZE, CONTROL

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB)!

What: VLAB: The Software Powered Innovations in Energy - MONITOR, ANALYZE, CONTROL

When: Tuesday, June 15,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $35.00 per person

Stanford Graduate School of Business
Bishop Auditorium, Arbuckle Lounge 518 Memorial Way
Stanford, CA 94305


Many consider energy efficiency the easiest path to immediate gains in reducing carbon emissions and counteracting the ever-increasing cost of energy. As an example, Al Gore contends that turning American television sets fully off rather than using standby mode will eliminate the need for a 1,000-megawatt coal-fired generating plant.

Be it televisions or office lights, energy use can be dramatically curtailed just by improving the monitoring and control mechanisms through software-enabled solutions developed by today's entrepreneurs. Venture capitalists recognize the opportunity too, so investments in energy are up; energy efficiency leads the way with 39 funding rounds in first quarter 2010. We see the impact all around us here in California where policy makers and business leaders have understood the importance of energy efficiency for over thirty years, thus leading the nation in reducing energy use on a per capita basis during that period.

Now, a new wave of innovation emerges as increased incentives and market demand drive entrepreneurs to develop energy efficient solutions in which software plays a unique role. Many companies, both large and small, leverage the data-rich ecosystem where every point of energy use now can be monitored, analyzed and controlled. This access to data will change everything from building design to product development to consumer behavior.

Come join us and learn more about the opportunities, changes and implications. This growing sector provides fertile ground for discussion.

Topics to be explored:

* What will it take to be a winner in this sector? And, how early will we know who the winners are?
* How important are strategic alliances?
* Is there room for more start-ups? If so, where?
* How will the sector evolve in the coming five years? Continued growth? Consolidation?
* What are the implications when every point of energy use can be monitored, controlled and analyzed?


Eric Wesoff, Senior Analyst, Greentech Media

*John Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, EcoFactor
Daniel Yates, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, OPOWER
Dharmesh Thakker, Vice President, Advanced Technology Ventures

$35 pre-registration
$40 at the door

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Networking and Refreshment
7:00pm - 8:30pm - Panel Discussion and Q/A


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