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Girlfriend Opportunities

From: Tia
Sent on: Saturday, June 7, 2014, 10:33 AM

Hi everyone,

Periodically I have been asked to promote parties or training or other networking.  I want to make sure that we keep the Girlfriends group for just having fun, and not solicitations of any type, but at the same time, I don't want you to miss out on some good opportunities.
So, at my sole discretion, no more than once per month, I'll send out an email to our members with these opportunities from other Girlfriends.  If you don't want to receive emails, you can reflect that in your Meetup setup options.


Here is information on home businesses (and links) by DaNonne:

Gold Canyon Consultant- Gold Canyon is and AZ based company that has a wide range of smelly good things from warmers with timers, to double wicked candles. Can host a party, or fundraiser. website is

Passion Parties- Empowering women~~ helping to spice up your love live by bringing romance and passion back to your bedroom. 
website is

and lastly 
Younique products home of the 3D Lashes get longer thicker lashes with the 3D mascara easy and simple to use. Also have foundation and eyeshadows. website is

And here is information on a writing class from a friend:


What is in your journal, notes, rough draft, mind that wants to become a compelling story and get into print?  Crafting your story for your audience is a process of learning and integrating the formal aspects of story-writing.  Writing is a process and re-writing is the nature of the process.  As we learn more about writing for the reader, our story will take us to new places.

Each class will feature a brief lecture with examples, group activities, independent writing and voluntary sharing.  You will receive handouts from each class to take home and use.  Our goal is learning, fun, building confidence as a writer and crafting our story into an engaging, informative, publishable read.

The topics we discuss at each meeting will be integral in our writing process.  Whether you haven’t written a word of your story or you a deep into it, you will receive great value from participating.  Plan to get your writing on track.   In other words….join us!

First Class is Free – so you decide if this is for you!  Bring a friend…

June 12 – July 17


6-8 PM


Contact me for Location.

Luminous [address removed]

[masked] CELL


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