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New Meetup: "Vietnam Tet Festival" Organising Committee

From: My N.
Sent on: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 12:58 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vietnamese Appreciation Society!

What: "Vietnam Tet Festival" Organising Committee

When: Friday, October 15,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Nam An Restaurant
157 High Street Wanstead, E11 2RL

An opportunity has arisen for the Vietnamese Appreciation Society to be involved in the running of the Vietnam Tet Festival next Feb. It's the first of its kind in London.

Get on board and have your say in the running of Vietnam's most important calendar event for all Londoners.

Apology for the last minute notice, but the opportunity has opened up for us and there's not much time left. Let's get cracking.

The meeting will be held at Nam An against it's traditional back drop. It should offer some peace for us to hold a productive meeting. Fine Vietnamese food will be served for those feeling peckish.

Let me know of your attendance to avoid any major disruption. For more details contact me on[masked].

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