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New Meetup: Paul Nison - The Daylight Diet: Divine Eating for Superior Health and Digestion

From: Brion
Sent on: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 1:09 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: Paul Nison - The Daylight Diet: Divine Eating for Superior Health and Digestion

When: July 16,[masked]:00 PM

Internationally-acclaimed author and raw food chef Paul Nison shares the most successful diet on the planet, and discusses the ideal times to eat for best digestion, the best times to be awake and to go to sleep, how to overcome late-night binging, how to balance weight and gain energy, and how to build immunity to fight disease.

Raw Foods Chef and Educator Paul Nison has been eating a raw food diet since he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis many years ago. With no other choice but surgery according to the medical profession, Paul decided to stop eating all cooked foods. Today he is 100% cured of this so-called "incurable disease." Paul has been featured on The Food Network and in several magazines and newspapers around the world. He travels the world giving lectures on the raw food nutrition and raw food prep classes to show people how easy and fun the raw life can be.

Paul is the author of six books, including The Raw Life: Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World; Raw Knowledge: Enhance the Power of your Mind, Body and Soul; and Paul Nison's Raw Food Formula for Health. His websites include,, and and videos of his speaking engagements can be found on

The event is $15 cash at the door. If you prefer to pay with a credit card or through Paypal, you may do so through

For a poster of the event:

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