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Paint Branching out

From: Mike
Sent on: Thursday, January 8, 2015, 9:33 AM


On tap (never in a bottle) for this Saturday, Jan 10, is an up-to-10-mile, 2-blister (easy-mod), out-and back hike. This is a great winter hike (aren’t they all?) on a local, flat, paved hiker/biker trail, at your own pace and in your own shoes. The trail follows the southern portion of Paint Branch within the Beltway through Prince George's County suburbs. The forecast is for cold, but dry weather, with a little snow still left on the sidelines. Burrrfect!

Paint Branch is a branch of NE Branch, which is a branch of the Potomac Branch…er, River. The trail includes many points of interest, not including my head, although it is a good point. You will pass by the world's oldest (est. 1909) continuously operating airport, beautiful (and somewhat frozen) Lake Artemesia, the main campus of the University of Maryland, sensitive wetlands (don’t say anything nasty), and part of the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.

Did you know that the first mile-high flight by a powered airplane, the first powered airplane flight (piloted by Wilbur Wright!) with a female, and the first controlled helicopter flight all took place at College Park Airport? Did you know that Wright was sometimes wrong and that Bjorn Borg really was Bjorn yesterday?

Branch dressing: Much of the route is exposed and can be windy, so be sure to dress warmly. Don't forget to bring water (2 quarts) and a bag lunch or heavy snacks.  You will finish according to your walking speed, but not later than 1 pm, if I have anything to say about it.

When & Wherefore art thou: We'll meet at 9:30 am in the parking lot off Paint Branch Parkway in College Park. The exact location is at; for GPS try 5240 Paint Branch Pkwy or coordinates[masked],[masked]. The trailhead is also 0.5 miles from the College Park Metro station, going east along Paint Branch Parkway.

The entrance to the parking lot is unmarked and on the north side of the street, between the entrances to the Tennis Center at College Park and the Paint Branch Parkway Community Park disc golf course, and directly across the also unmarked entrance to the county swimming pool and ice rink.

Leaders are Harry George and yours truly.

Photos from our Happy New Year Hike:
