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What we’re about

*If you're a foreigner, don't get discouraged by the extensive use of Polish in the names and descriptions of most events. We have international boardgame meetups as well and most of the players speak English and use English versions of games anyway :).

A group for all board game lovers who live, study or are just passing through Warsaw. Meet fellow geeks, discover and play cool new games, show off your own collection and have fun!

After hearing how boargame groups look like in other large European cities, we became jealous. They organize regular, open meetings where 30-60 people attend every time! We want to have that in Warsaw.

Please give this address to every boardgamer in Warsaw you know. Hopefully we will have a full calendar for every weekday.

If anyone wants to have event-creating rights, just contact Maciej, he will give you proper authorization. We need event organizers (and gaming store owners) who have places to play with tables and a lot of space.