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Players Seeking Games/Games Seeking Players 3/9/08

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2008, 11:00 PM
Hey everyone, don't forget the March RPGala next Sunday! RSVP here:
March RPGala

We have one listing this week:

John is looking for Changeling players for a game in Herndon.

Hi folks,
I am very interested in starting a campaign of White Wolf?s CHANGELING: THE LOST soon. I?m looking for some new players to join me (I live in Herndon?near Dulles). I have been running WW games since 1991 (yikes that?s a long time) but have never run a game in this new setting. However it seems to have an amazing wealth of possibilities and potential. Ideally my players will share my desire to play in a role-playing heavy game. So, if the genre interests you, drop me a personal email at [address removed] and I can give you more information. We?ll schedule a Meet-up if there is enough interest?cheers!...John