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Non-RPG Related: I Need Some Help or Unleash The Fury!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Friday, February 27, 2009, 7:04 PM
As some of you know I am a Washington Capitals season ticket holder. Going to the games is a source of huge enjoyment in my life and worth every penny. The Caps are doing awesome this year and have become an elite NHL team and a legitimate Stanley Cup Contender. I have super ginormous awesome seats three rows behind home bench at center ice.

Unfortunately, for reasons I don't want to get into, I will not be able to attend ANY weekday games next season. So renewing my season tickets wouldn't make a whole lot of sense unless I can find someone willing to split the games weekday/weekend. I wouldn't take ALL the weekend games and we could negotiate once the schedule is released if there was a weekend game an interested party would want to attend. Weekend games compromise approximately 50% of the home games so we would split the cost pretty much even. This is a great chance to get two of the best seats at the Verizon Center with all the benefits of being a season ticket holder at half the price. Please contact me ASAP if interested.



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