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JS and Ruby on Rails developers needed at Toura!

From: Matt R.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 10:47 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm still upset I didn't win the Kindle at the meeting! Oh well. :)

As I mentioned at the beginning, my company, Toura, is hiring Ruby on Rails and Javascript developers to work on our client-facing Ruby on Rails app or our front-end, mobile application (written in JS/HTML5/CSS3). (Our website is:?

We make cross platform mobile applications for clients and use the Rails app to build, compile, and collect data from the mobile app. The mobile app is a "rich web app" written in Dojo/JS, and both are written in a full TDD style (Cucumber, Jasmine, Pivotal Tracker, etc.).

At Toura, we work ~40 hours a week, have a relaxed work environment but highly value software craftspeople, go to conferences (JSconf, Railsconf, etc.), give everyone a free monthly unlimited metrocard, offer plenty of vacation/sick time, and practice?TDD/Agile development (high quality, testable software is our passion!). Everyone gets a brand new laptop with aftermarket super-fast SSD (or desktop, if you're into that sort of thing) with a really nice widescreen monitor, chair, keyboard, and mouse. The office has lots of free [coffee, water, snacks, soda, beer], private restrooms, and Thursdays we get bagels trucked in!

If that doesn't sound cool, you probably wouldn't be a great fit. :)?

If either one (or both!) positions interest you or someone you know, please contact me at mrogish [at] toura dot com with your resume. Also, we offer a very cool referral bonus (iPad or something equivalent) if you send someone good our way!!


Matt Rogish
Director of Technology
mrogish [at]?

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