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Rebecca Watson coming to Wellington

From: James K.
Sent on: Sunday, November 18, 2012, 2:52 PM

Hi everyone, as some of you may be aware, Rebecca Watson of Skepchick and the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is coming to Wellington, and will be doing a talk on Thursday December 6th (I will send out a Meetup invite once the details are arranged).

I'm going to be organising things, but I need a bit of help:

1) A question for everyone - what sort of event do you want? My first thought was Rebecca giving a talk bracketed by drinking, but do people want some kind of sit-down dinner as well?

2) Rebecca and her partner will need someone to drive them around for the few days they are down here. I can't do this because I don't have a car, so I will need someone to step up and volunteer.

3) Rebecca and her partner will be in town for a few days so I need some help coming up with some things for her to do. Suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give with the above points. It's not often we get a speaker of Rebecca's calibre down here, and I'd like to make her Wellington trip as successful as possible.