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Re: [Westside-Euchre-Group] Last Wednesday night

From: user 9.
Sent on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 2:16 PM
Really it was nothing, and most likely went completely unnoticed by most of the people there.

It didn't go unnoticed by Rene, and that's why I issued the apology. Figuring the best thing to
do was to fess up publicly to my stupidity and move on with it.

No worries, We're good.. ;)

(how am I not completely shocked at your latest drama??)

On 9/19/2009 2:12 PM, Nina wrote:
errrr...ddi miss out on something??

if it is any consolation i coulda sworn the full moon was out on wednesday nite.
fishers-euchre was straaaaaaaaaange.  a new guy showed up (hes scheduled to 
show up to our euchre next week) and he got real drunk...started hitting on a guy...
then startedhitting on me...and me and my gay friend couldnt figure out if he was
gay, goofy, drunk, or all 3.  Oh...and the guy that he was hitting on seemed to be 
hitting on me...and that didnt float well with me considering hes dating someone
from the euchre group already.  Oh...and another guy that is going through a rough
divorce and latched on to me in an odd sort of way got to observe all of this as
we played cards...FUN!

so.....on the other side of town i clearly missed something.  what exactly went down?


-----Original Message-----
From: "Gary E. Terry" <[address removed]>
Sent: Sep 19,[masked]:59 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Westside-Euchre-Group] Last Wednesday night

I wanted to take a little time tonight to make a public apology to Rene 
for being a bit of an ass last Wednesday.

We were setting up to start a new game and I was trying to joke around a 
bit and said some things that were taken
the wrong way. I am very very sorry for hurting her feelings, and will 
make every effort in the future to be less of
a jerk.

I promise that I really didn't mean anything other than just a little 
playful banter. I hope everyone understands, and

Thanks for reading.

G. E. Terry

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