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Accessibility and Usability mini-event

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 12:09 PM

Greetings all,

No, this is not another desperate appeal for app data.  ;)

Instead, I want to make you all aware of something very special planned for our April 18 meetup.

Around the time of that meetup, the Accessibility Summit will be going on.  This is a special event designed to address the needs of people who are physically challenged.  We're going to be doing something in conjunction with that.

The plan is to start the meetup with a presentation on the needs and challenges of many people who are often excluded from activities we often take for granted.  I will be putting together a small panel of experts, including Nokia Accessibility folks and hopefully participants from Microsoft (hint hint Ryan Lowdermilk) and/or other companies/organizations.  They will share some thoughts with us on this subject, and then we will brainstorm on what we can do as developers, designers and tech enthusiasts to overcome some of the common challenges discussed.  Who knows, maybe some great apps will come out of this, and we can find cool ways to include people who are often very excluded.

I'm excited about this mini event and look forward to your ideas on what can make it worthwhile and not just a talking exercise!

Nokia will be providing refreshments and prizes.  Make sure to sign up!  Your voice is valuable.



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