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Happy New Year!

From: Patrice
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2013, 1:10 PM

The Holiday Season is still going strong in Macedonia!


Hello Wishful Thinking Women,

Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season was wonderful and that you are gearing up for a fantastic 2013.

As many of you know, I’m away, enjoying my third Peace Corps assignment. I served three years in Macedonia from[masked], in the Republic of Georgia for 3.5 months from Oct. 2012 to Jan. 2013, and I’m thrilled to be back in Macedonia; I arrived in Oct. 2012 and will fly home on Feb 14, 2013. (How's that for a  super sweet Valentine's treat?)

Things here are great! My project is fully underway; I’m surrounded by friends old and new, and my holiday season began with our Thanksgiving, when I enjoyed a traditional American dinner with my Macedonian friends, and doesn’t end until January 7th, when I will be celebrating Macedonian Christmas with more friends here.

To read all about how we will be celebrating, please click here for a great article written my interesting, adventurous, Macedonian friend, Nevenka, who is currently pursuing her Master's in America. Her article is chock full of holiday info and photos (That's one of hers above.) You will learn how we celebrate Christmas and the freezing, but fun night of Kolede on January 5th. (Its pronounced "coal-a-day".)

And, as always, I invite you to not only attend the Wishful Thinking Women Meetups - many thanks to Joan W. for hosting in my absence, but to also follow Wishful Thinking Works blog posts at or visit and "Like" Wishful Thinking Works on Facebook. There you will find hundreds of posts designed to keep you happy and thinking positively, while you are creating the life you really want.

Wishing you all the best in 2013,



A few more links about Macedonia (There are many more at )

1/16/2012                                10/1/2012                   10/10/2011

And, a few about the Republic of Georgia. (There are many more at )

12/11/2011                              12/3/2011                    12/5/2011