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Tell us about hosting; Next month's meetup

From: david w.
Sent on: Friday, July 25, 2014, 11:28 AM

Hey yall,

I recently posted to the Facebook Group the link to the video from last week's awesome plugin talk. If you didn't get to go, you should check it out to hear some sage advice about the business of plugins, which extends to the business of WordPress itself. By the way, we have Diana Sacoto to thank for the excellent video and photos from this weekend!

I also posted to a link of a survey on hosting that we're running, so that we can give you better advice. Turns out that certain things are pretty biased and subjective, so hearing what you think of each host would  help us better suggest where to go for others in the future. Please take the short survey, and share the link with others that host WordPress sites.

(what, you aren't a member yet? You need to go here then.

Finally, we've got the August meetup planned (and September is in the works). August will be focused on blogging and content marketing. I'm excited to have Bess Auer of FLBlogCon sharing knowledge with us. Join us at Envy Labs on 19 August to learn how to power up your blog!

David Laietta