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Free Web Support! Support Our Community!

From: david w.
Sent on: Thursday, October 2, 2014, 9:54 AM

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the meetup last night! I had a blast and I hope everyone walked away with some useful info.

As a reminder, we've got a meetup next Saturday morning at IDEAS. We'll be doing a roundtable discussion as well as a question answering session, as it's been a while since we've done one of those. Have questions about WordPress or your site? Come by to get them answered! If you are extra energetic like I hope to be, join us for the Zebra Youth 5K at Lake Eola before the meetup to support a worthy local charity. I've got special WordPress buttons for those who show :)

I also want to showcase a local tech startup who is in need of community support. I truly believe what I meant last night (and wrote about on our blog) about all of us working together to make a better Orlando. We've got an awesome opportunity as a tight-knit community to raise one another up and be part of something big.


Meet TROBO, a cuddly robot created by two Orlando fathers that interacts with kids and helps answer questions while viewing an interactive screen! This plush toy quickly becomes a child's favorite all the while helping them learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics (a.k.a. STEM)!  TROBO's Kickstarter campaign is over 60% funded and ends Monday. For those who don’t need a TROBO, other pledge options are available for t-shirts, stickers and more.  TROBOs are amazing, interactive robots that actually read to children out loud and have the potential for a virtually endless story library.  Compatible with iPads and iPhones and incorporating their own TROBO app, TROBO allows children to build their own avatar, include their name in the stories, and participate in interactive puzzles every few pages.

Please back their Kickstarter and tell your friends to help an Orlando startup make their dreams come true!


Thanks for everyone being an awesome part of our community!
David Laietta