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Jelly Day Update

From: Farah
Sent on: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:18 PM

Hi all,

I’m one of the new organizers of this group and I’d like to drop in a hello with this email and keep you guys updated about the new events taking place at The Hub! We’re having our Jelly Day on Friday, June 1st; I’ll be there to make sure that Jelly day adds value to everyone who participates.

We've decided to change how Jelly day will be conducted – we’ve decided to add structure to the day so as to make sure one gets all the benefits of a coworking space in a short period of time. Some of the changes are:

- Jelly Day starts sharp at the Hub at 10.30am

- Start day at 11am with coffee and introduction/ice breaker

- Break for lunch at about  [masked]

- Jelly Day ends at 2.30pm

Hope the new version of Jelly Day works for all you guys!



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