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aletsch hotel

From: Patrick
Sent on: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 3:01 PM
Dear All,

Regarding the weekend 5 to 7 february the offer was made to me for 15 persons- and apparently now only 12 are left. I have called several other gruppenunterkunfte but they are booked out up to 1 year in advance. In hotel Aletsch in M?rel (3 star hotel) they still have 25 rooms available with prices 65 chf including breakfast and 85 including dinner. The cable car to go up the mountain is adjacent to Aletsch hotel and I have been told that it takes 10 minutes by cable car to go up for either walking or getting on the slopes.

As such I suggest to book everyone in Aletsch hotel- if anyone has a problem with this, please let me know. On saturday afternoon I will call with the owner and most likely I will need to guarantee this booking with my credit card and/or possibly have to make a downpayment already. Therefor could I please ask you to

a) change your status into NO if you are not OK with the change of hotel
b) advise me whether you will be coming for 1 or 2 nights
c) whether you prefer single room, double room or room for 3 persons (please note that I do not know whether the prices are exactly the same as price given above).

Kind regards

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