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Free GOTO night on "New Features in iOS 7 for Developers" by Adrian Kosmaczewski in Zurich!

From: Ewa K.
Sent on: Monday, December 9, 2013, 1:32 PM

I just wanted to give to let you know about Trifork next free GOTO Night in Zurich. Please find all details below.

This talk will provide a quick overview of the new possibilities offered by iOS 7 for app developers. It targets iOS developers familiar with the APIs of iOS 6, and will give them up-to-date information about cool new features that can be used now in new applications (as well as some painful gotchas). The presentation will include live demos.


Adrian Kosmaczewski is a software developer, trainer and book author. He has shipped mobile, web and desktop apps for iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Windows and Linux since 1996. Adrian is the author of "Mobile JavaScript Application Development" and "Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running", both published by O'Reilly.

When & Where?
Date: December 18, 2013

Time: 18:00-21:00

Venue: Technopark

Address: Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Schulungsraum Newton 10011, 1. OG

Cost: Free of charge- snacks & refreshments included


Best regards,
Ewa Kucharczyk

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