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Trailblaze (sort of) from Kensington to Proud Lake

Photo of Kelly A
Hosted By
Kelly A.


Lets do a little trailblazing (sort of). We'll follow (more like find and try to follow) Chief Pontiac Trail from Kensington Metro Park to Proud Lake.

We'll meet at Proud Lake and stage cars, then drive to starting point in Kensington.

This event is going to be limited to no more than 8 hikers, those interested will join the waitlist and be chosen by the organizer. Attendees must be willing to get lost, hike a longer distance than expected, Hopefully know how to use their compass and/or GPS unit and read a map.

Depending on our starting location in Kensington, trip length will be a minimum of 5 miles.

Wear hiking shoes or boots, bring small pack with hearty snack, water, gear appropriate for the weather, first aid kit, bug spray, sunscreen, etc.

I will probably kayak after the hike if any hikers are interested in joining in.

Hike will cancel for inclement weather. Please check site prior to leaving home. Site will be updated no later than 1.5 hours before the start of the event.

Photo of Adventure Quest group
Adventure Quest
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