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New Meetup: Worldwide Kayaking: Reel Water Productions LIVE!

From: Paul A.
Sent on: Friday, August 28, 2009, 11:10 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Get up Get on Out!

What: Worldwide Kayaking: Reel Water Productions LIVE!

When: August 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Eastside Explorers Presents: Reel Water Productions Live! 7 pm to 9 pm, Bellevue City Hall[masked]th Ave NE, 98004

Join world-renowned kayak explorer Bryan Smith as he paddles through Bellevue City Hall this summer. Bryan?s Reel Water Productions team will share fresh stories and footage from international whitewater expeditions, harrowing river descents, and coastal sea kayak journeys. Reel Water showcases remarkable athletes while fostering awareness for the environment-- promoting the growth of kayaking through stories about the rivers, oceans and people who care deeply for them. Gear prizes will be raffled by Bryan?s sponsors, so come out and get equipped for your own water journeys!

Cost: $10, kids 17 and under FREE, payable at door or online registration. Call[masked] for more information.

Learn more here:

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