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New Meetup: Scavenger hunt, kayak, hike, run, explore & socialize

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 5:14 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Get up Get on Out!

What: Scavenger hunt, kayak, hike, run, explore & socialize

When: November 7,[masked]:00 PM

Seattle Raft & Kayak
[masked]nd Ave NE Building 11 Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA 98115

I've been thinking for a while that it would be fun to do a scavenger hunt that mixes in kayaking with running or hiking. I used to do some of these a long time ago while running and thought that the most fun would be to combine a normal scavenger hunt approach using clues at each location along with the markers and refreshments of the hash house harriers approach. I'll probably need someone to come out about an hour early to assist me with course set up. Figure that we will have about 2 miles on the ground and about the same distance on the water. We'll divide the group into about 10 teams. We'll head to Fiddlers Inn for a brew and a bite afterward.


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