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New Meetup: Discussion - The Limits of Intelligence

From: Monica
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 2:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Artificial Intelligence Meetup Group!

What: Discussion - The Limits of Intelligence

When: Sunday, September 12,[masked]:00 PM

Where: TechShop
120 Independence Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Randall Reetz suggested that we hold an "Unmoderated group discussion about the real absolute limits (a la Turing and G?del) on intelligence and intelligent systems. Are these limits different than the limits that have already been identified for computing? What are the implications for the future of AI and evolution itself?".

I think this is a very interesting topic; I am personally interested in exploring these issues and feel that a group discussion would bring out the core issues and parameters. We might split this into two 50 minute discussions with a 10 minute summary and position statement by me between these parts. I have started creating a presentation about this and may incorporate some results of this discussion in my (future) presentation. I'll "moderate" the discussion only to ensure that a diverse set of opinions and issues are heard. I may show some interesting short movie at noon sharp, but no promises. Feel free to email me movie suggestions.

Also, depending on whether I can solve some technical problems in time for the MeetUp I may make an attempt to WEBCAST this (and most future) AI Meetups. If we think we can make it work, then the details will be announced on this site and in email when the meetup starts. These webcasts may or may not be recorded. If they happen, then we'll use a twitter backchannel named #aimu during the meetup. If you are willing to help me test these capabilities before the MeetUp, send me email.

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