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Saturday's Animal Communication Gallery

From: Sandra L.
Sent on: Friday, February 1, 2013, 3:25 PM

Dear Friends of Animals,

Where did January go?  We are beginning February, the month of love.  We do receive unconditional love from our animal companions, don't we? They keep loving us through everything.  My friend Buddy is laying under my desk on his pillow even as I write this note to you!  They just want to be near us!  We have many humans friends and family who care deeply for us.  Yet, it's our animals that never criticize or blame us.  They just love us all of their lives!

Often clients call me as their beloved animal family members are going through the difficult process of death and dieing.  My heart breaks right along with them. Recently a very wise client said she was blessed to be with her sweet cat through all of his healthy years, so she said she will lovingly support him as he goes through this transition, too.

Whether your relationship with your animal is brand new or like an old comfortable pair of shoes, come join us this Saturday at our Animal Communication Gallery.  We always enjoy sharing each and everyone of the animals messages and perspectives. 

Hope to see you Saturday at the Lightworkers Sanctuary, 12:00 Noon!

Sweetest Blessings,
