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New Event: Phoney Baloney Film Festival!!!!

From: Paulo F.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 4:36 PM
Announcing a new event for The Toronto Animal Rights Meetup Group!

What: Phoney Baloney Film Festival!!!!

When: Saturday, July 7, 9:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description:

Come one, come all to this Saturday's second annual Phoney Baloney Film Festival!!!

This film fest is an extremely fun evening of an eclectic and satirical compilation of shorts by various underground indie filmmakers within the Toronto scene. Lots of fun and loads of laughs will definitely be served up throughout the night!

It's all going down at Good Catch General Store's "outdoor theatre" located at 1556 Queen St. West (just west of Lansdowne and next door to Mitzi's Sister). Doors will open at 9 pm with the screenings beginning at 9:30. It's pay what you can so the price is definitely right!

For further info. you can email [address removed] and you can check out the event flyer here: http://www.facebook.c...

I was there last year and can attest to how great the evening was.

Hope to see you all there!!

Paul :o)

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