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Help FRIEND Animal Sanctuary and Animal Equality by Shopping!!

From: cafenoire
Sent on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 5:02 PM

Hi everyone

You may be aware that we visit FRIEND animal sanctuary in Kent once a month to volunteer.  They have just set up a scheme where they benefit when you shop at ebay, amazon, electricity and phone companies and many other companies.  Here is the link, just sign up for the scheme and everytime you shop they get some much needed money.  Instructions are here,

They also have a wishlist on amazon of much needed items, some of them are quite cheap to buy.  If you prefer not to shop at amazon you can copy the item details, buy them from another company and then bring it with you to your next sanctuary visit or alternatively send it to their address which is on the this link at the bottom of the page.

The animal activist group Animal Equality is also signed up to this scheme, they have done thought provoking street stalls and specialise in undercover investigations of animal abuse, they have gained valuable national newspaper media space and have been instrumental in securing convictions.  Just enter their name into the "change your cause" box.

Any problems please message me!

Thank your for your time.




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