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What we’re about

Our charter:

1. BUSINESS - Connect industries and professionals with local development teams, consultants and freelancers. Making novices feel welcome and veterans satisfied. 

2. GROWTH - To grow the AR industry locally in time with or greater than its global growth ($120B by 2020 from $1.5B in 2015 = hockey stick)

3. EDUCATION - Connect students with opportunities to intern at local AR development

4. MEDIA - Provide a meeting place for local media to source information and connections in the AR industry 

We are Augmented Reality enthusiasts of all descriptions - technical, arts, sports, industrial, commercial, investors, entrepreneurs and simply any end user. There is a lot happening in this tech niche and in particular locally which beckons more co-ordinated face to face interactions and formal/informal meetup gatherings. Jump on board with us!

Who should join?

• Augmented Reality professionals

• Wearable computing enthusiasts

• Digital Media professionals

• Interactive media professionals 

• Innovation and Design leaders

• Other industry professionals and students wanting to understand more or enter the fast growing industry