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welcome new members and happy hour this thursday - south asian professionals

From: Manan Singh K.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 5:46 PM

good evening friends...
hope 2012 is treating u all great...

i wanna welcome the new members...
this groups is growing really fast...
it was nice meeting some of u at nostos (zagat recommended restaurant)

feel free to share this link with ur friends - emails, facebook etc

i am heading to DC for happy hour this thursday...
if people wanna meetup - email me...
if anyone going from silver spring - we can go together

keep smiling :)
and look out for our next big meetup at BUDDHA BAR very soon
working on the details :)

if u r on facebook, add me - 'manan katohora'

also looking for men women - who r camera friendly and would like to feature in promo videos for events :) 

cheers - manan singh katohora'

PS: save the date FEB 11 for the prevalentines party for singles and couples and every1
early bird tickets will be available soon... this kewl venue in dupont, DC