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2013 Astrology Forecast by Randy Goldberg

From: Randy
Sent on: Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 11:44 AM

2013 Astrology Forecast by Randy Goldberg


Water is a major theme this year with most of the planets being in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. There is going to be flooding, potential disasters from the seas and also for extremes of emotion imbalance as well as emotional healing.

In late February and early March a whole slew of planets will be in water signs, including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron all in Pisces, with Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio. Plus there will be a Pisces New Moon on March 12th.

This is a year when a lot of people will believe the unbelievable. There will be collective psychic flooding, causing mental illness, disruptions and secrets in the news. There will also be news about toxins in the water, as in fracking.  All those planets in the water element of emotionality, and by the end of June, not a single planet remains in a rational air sign. Fear mongers and hope sellers will have a field day, and we will be collectively caught up in a mirage, amplified by the Internet. Staying grounded will be important. 

We will continue the seismic changes in our social fabric. Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are continuing their series of square that go on until 2015. Both planets are change agents. Uranus brings sudden, explosive, lighting strikes of change whereas Pluto brings deep, slow composting of the old order, exposing the shadow elements, forcing the fossilized parts to crumble.

Plenty of chance of war attacks, and market disruption happen in April and early May, with a super powerful Lunation on May 9th. 

Not all the news will be scary in the Chinese year of the black water snake. On June 25th, Jupiter moves in to the sign of Cancer. This will be a summer of love and freedom. On June 12th, Saturn and Neptune form a trine.  In July Jupiter will be in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces.  The planets will form a tight grand trine in water around 4-5 degrees on July 17th of 2013. People will be inspired and finding concrete ways to manifest their lofty goals for humanity. People will feel incredibly inspired and opened up spiritually. Folks will be feeling good about the economy also.

They will need it because starting the last week in August and especially the first and second week of September we’ll have hugely destructive storms. There will be a lot of tension and fighting in our polarized nation throughout the fall and the markets taking a hit also. 

We live at a special time that is a turning point for humanity. This square between Uranus and Pluto is a sudden, radical and often explosive change that gets rid of that which no longer serves us. It will bring about fundamental change and wake us up. 2013 is a transition year and things are building up to a breakdown and breakthrough next year close to Sept 12th of 2014.


Find out how all this affects your personal natal chart, by having an individual reading with Randy.

Randy Goldberg, a former Yoga monk, is a Family Constellation therapist, Craniosacral therapist, and world-renowned astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He correctly predicted the outcome of the healthcare law at the Supreme Court on Marketplace on NPR last year.  

More information at, [masked], or [address removed]




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