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Meetup details changed: NYC ATHEISTS ANNUAL MEETING

From: Jane E.
Sent on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 11:15 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Thursday, January 31,[masked]:30 PM

New York, NY 10018

This Meetup repeats on the last Thursday of every month.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.



Where Does the Atheist Movement Go From Here?

Come and Tell Us What You Think


In the Tradition of Old-Time Democracy,

New York City Atheists to Hold Open Mike for New Ideas!


NYC ‘Atheist of the Year’ to Be Announced

As we go into our 10th year, we at New York City Atheists Inc. (NYCA) feel a sense of pride and accomplishment: We’ve seen open Atheism grow in this country from a mere 8 percent just10 years ago to, now, an estimated 25 percent if you count those nonaffiliated with any church.

In those 10 years, we Atheists have created a bit of a ruckus, with a 20,000-nonbelievers gathering in Washington D.C., last March; billboards all over the country declaring that god is a myth; billboard trucks careening through towns and airplanes pulling our message across the sky over crowded beaches.

We Atheists are litigating in courts all over the country, suing for our rights and the separation of church and state. We’ve won a few cases, lost a few, but we have vowed to never give up until we have won the freedom for Atheists to be Atheists and we can hold our heads up high as citizens who have equal representation in the Congress of our great country!

But what do we do next?  Where do we go from here? Do we up the ante and beat the drum louder? Or do we slow down and get ready for the long haul?  Only you can tell us.

Our Motto:  Do It!

As a democratic organization, we at NYCA do everything with the initiative and encouragement of our constituency. We listen, we enable, we fulfill the ideas of our members and colleagues. All you have to do is speak up!

When psychotherapist Linda Blaikie came to us and said,”I’d like to start a support group for people who are leaving their religion,” we said, “Do it!” We found a place for her to meet with her group, we publicized the group, we coordinated it.  Blaikie’s highly successful support group has been functioning for more than a year now.

Dr. David Orenstein came to us and said he wanted to start a Book and Film Club for NYC Atheists. “Do it!” was our response. Dr. Orenstein’s successful book and film club has been meeting at the Stone Creek for nearly a year.  Lianna approached us about doing  meetups for young Atheist professionals. Do it!--was our response again.

NYCA ‘Atheist of the Year’ to Be Announced

What else needs to be done?  Can YOU become the leader of an NYCA meetup? What are the needs of the Atheist community that are still unfulfilled?  What talents can you bring to the cause?

One thing that has become clear to us over the years: Atheists are smarter, more creative, more daring (once they realize it’s OK to come out as Atheists!) than most of the American population. We want to tap this creativity!  We want to tap the leadership in our midst!  Come and tell us what you can do; we will help you do it!

Come and celebrate the NYCA Atheist of the Year, who will be announced at the meeting!  Come and applaud our successes, mourn our stumbles (not that many, thank Darwin) and join your fellow nonbelievers in cheering on those of us who have put ourselves on the line and work for the freedom of Atheists to be Atheists!






WHEN:   THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, at 6:30 P.M.


15 West 39th St.  (off Fifth Ave.)

3rd Floor

COST:     We appreciate a donation of $5 to help

pay the cost of the conference center.

Students & unemployed excused.

New york City Atheists Inc. is a 501c not-for-profit association dedicated to the separation of church and state and to promoting the Atheist lifestyle and values.


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