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From: Dean W.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 3:57 PM


***We need Deputy Voter Registrars for our voter registration drive on Sept. 14th***


*** CTxPAC 2013 Ground Troops Needed Now ***

CTxPAC 2013 will be the largest gathering of conservative grassroots in Texas. With hundreds of Tea Party organizations and thousands of participants, CTxPAC 2013 will harness the largest and most powerful political force in Texas to speak with one voice. The voice of the conservative grassroots. We need your help!


*** Eye on Austin City Government ***

The city of Austin and Travis County keep getting weirder and weirder to the point of being utterly preposterous. We need volunteers to help us as we uncover more and more outlandish acts by the city council. Why are Austin Energy rates getting ready to skyrocket? Why is Apple Computer being forced to hire ONLY illegal laborers for the construction of their new plant? Why are Travis county property taxes getting ready to take a big jump because UT wants to build a new Medical Research Hospital?

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