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Tragedy: Pug Rescue Needs Your Help

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 8:38 PM

Hi Pug Clubbers,

Today at Dogtober Fest at the Domain one of our fosters escaped her harness and was hit by a car.

She will survive, but has a substantial vet bill ahead of her. The emergency clinic bill will run rescue about $1000, she will need a surgery to fix her hip and leg which will run $1800 and then there will be some out patient stuff that will run a couple hundred.

These are just estimates at this point- she is still at the emergency clinic and won't be seen by her vet until Monday morning. This is when we will get exact estimates on her needed orthopedic surgeries.

I am asking for our pug club to come together and donate $5-$10 per adult in your household to Pug Rescue of Austin. If we give a little right now, we can save this doglet and get Pug Rescue back on it's feet before the holidays- which is sadly referred to as "Dumping Season."

Here is the link:

Your donation is 100% tax deductible (print your receipt after donating!). Pug Rescue of Austin is a registered 501c3.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [address removed]



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