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Can we meet your Basenji?

From: Danny N.
Sent on: Sunday, March 2, 2014, 9:55 AM
Hello NYC Basenji lovers! 

I'm Danny, and my girlfriend (Joni) and I are interested in possibly getting a Basenji puppy, and we're brand new to the Basenji meetup. 

We've done all of the requisite reading and research into the breed and we haven't been scared off yet, so we figure a good next step would be to meet one or a few in person. Unfortunately, we missed the February meetup, so we thought we'd reach out to see if anyone might be nearby (we're in Williamsburg) and willing to let us say hello? We'll gladly treat to coffee in exchange for a chance to meet your dog and pick your brain a bit about your experience raising a Basenji. 

Thanks so much for your time! We're looking forward to saying hello. 


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