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TV Commercial Casting -[masked]

From: Fernando F.
Sent on: Monday, March 10, 2014, 10:01 AM

AEON Talent has received a request from a Baton Rouge TV station producer looking for the following actors to be part of two 30 second commercial spots:


Late 20’s to mid-to-late 30’s Female (Mother role)

Male in his 20’s (Bad guy role)


These are paid roles with no speaking parts. Shoot date has not been determined yet but is expected to be mid  to late March 2014. Exact date will be decided during talent casting. More details will be provided during casting.


For anyone who meets the descriptions and who is interested please send headshots/pictures, link to demo real if available, and contact information to [address removed] with “TV Commercial Casting -[masked]” in the subject line of the email. Please do not hit reply to this email announcement.


AEON Talent, Inc.