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Economic Impact of Louisiana Entertainment Tax Credits and Facebook Preserve LA Film Industry Page

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 7:27 AM

I urge every one and anyone who works in Louisiana Film Industry to Like and Join this page as I will be sending Alerts regarding saving and supporting our Louisiana Film Industry Tax Credits. This page was created by Louis Herthum when our tax credits were in danger back last decade, we want to revive and create unity to prepare to one of the toughest Legislative Sessions we will have this year Please Like, Join, and Keep Alert as to this Page: Preserve Louisiana Film Tax Credits:

THIS is the piece that we need to share when we are asked to produce the numbers and or when they challenge us on issue of tax credits: Please assure each State Rep and State Senate and everyone in the the film industry should have this to share.

Economic Impact of Louisiana's Entertainment Tax Credits Program for Office of Entertainment Industry Development-La. Dept. of Economic Development:
