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New Event: Climbing In Alabama Hills !

From: Joan
Sent on: Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 7:25 PM
Announcing a new event for Bay Area Rock Climbing!

What: Climbing In Alabama Hills !

When: Friday, November 16, to Sunday, November 18

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description:
Rock climbing trip to Alabama Hills. The Hills is located at the southern end of Bishop?s Valley/Hwy 395, right by Lone Pine and Mt. Whitney. It is a beautiful place in its own right, and made famous as a set for many western & sci-fi movies. Lots of massive boulders, a mix of volcanic and granite rock, with many quality bolted and top-rope routes. In addition to climbing, it?s a beautiful place to bike/hike around in, and is located very close to Death Valley in case anybody wants a side trip. Weather should be sunny and mild/warm during day, but expect temps as low as freezing at night. Camping is on BLM land and is free. Here?s a few useful links:

Since passes over the Sierras will likely be closed, travel to/from the Bay area is best done down Hwy 5 across to Bakersfield and then up to Hwy 395: about a 6-8 hour drive depending on where you start and how fast you drive. So there?s a few options on how to do this trip:

Option 1 (lots of time):
- Leave Thursday Nov. 15 around 5PM (or sooner!) and drive-drive, drive.
- Climb or visit Fri Nov. 16 (one idea I had was to hike Telescope Peak above Death Valley on the Friday)
- Climb Sat. Nov 17
- Climb Sun morning Sun. Nov. 18, leave mid-day to return to Bay area

Option 2 (good time):
- Leave Friday AM Nov. 16 and drive, drive, drive. Do some biking or whatever if we get there early enough
- Same as Option 1 for Sat & Sun Nov. 17-18

Option 3 (rushed):
- Leave Friday Nov. 16 after work and drive-drive, drive.
- Same as Option 1 for Sat & Sun Nov. 17-18

Depending on the number of people we can have different groups taking different options, but as it is kind of far it would be very good if you indicate your preferred option at the time of RSVP so that we all can make the plan more precise. The meeting point, day and time will be announced as soon as we have some kind of consensus.

Learn more here:

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