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NoPo Event Reminder - The Water Heater

From: Tamara
Sent on: Monday, September 6, 2010, 1:30 PM

This is a reminder that we will be having our private event at The Water Heater on Wednesday. They always have one tasty micro on tap for $3 and various bottled beer for $3.50. It isn't a huge choice but there is something for everyone! Great food, too!

Looks like the weather will be near 70 degrees so this is a perfect time to soak up the end of summer sunshine! There is also a large covered area if the weather turns on us but it does look good at this point!

Please remember to rsvp by clicking the link below. I need to give final head count to the owner tomorrow by mid day. There are 67 people signed up from my happy hour group so this is a great opportunity for you to mix and mingle with some new folks as well as see some old friends.

NoPo Has A New Hot Spot! Private E?



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