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New Meetup: Old Lompoc - Needing a meetup before New Years???

From: Brandy
Sent on: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 7:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Portland Beer Lovers!

What: Old Lompoc - Needing a meetup before New Years???

When: December 30,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Sometimes it's best just to let the beers speak for themselves. This is one of those times. New Old Lompoc has released six distinct seasonals covering a huge range of styles: Spiced Golden Ale, Belgian Style Strong Ale, Imperial Pale Ale, Strong Amber Lager, Aged Dark Barleywine, and a Vanilla Porter! Five of the releases are available at the various Old Lompoc locations and Brewdolph will be exclusive to this week's Holiday Ale Festival.

Blitzen -- Dry-hopped, spiced Golden Ale (5.0% ABV): This beer is the house Fool?s Golden Ale that was dry-hopped and spiced with coriander, and dried orange peel in the bright beer tanks. Golden color, spice and orange aroma, with a balanced malt and hop finish.
Please join me if you can.

Brewdolph -- Belgian-style Strong Ale (8.8% ABV): This beer was brewed with malted barley, flaked oats, malted wheat, and raw honey. The Belgian yeast strain used during fermentation produces a spicy clove flavor and aroma. Reddish brown color, clove/spice aroma, malty and honey flavor on the finish. Available exclusively at the 2008 Holiday Ale Festival.

C-son?s Greetings -- Imperial Pale Ale (8.0% ABV): Imperial version of the C-Note. Brewed and dry-hopped with all seven C-named hops (Cluster, Columbus, Challenger, Chinook, Crystal, Cascade, and Centennial) Deep copper color, piney, citrusy, floral, resinous aroma and full hop flavor, rich caramel malt finish with an endless developing hop presence.

Jolly Bock -- Strong Amber Lager (7.0% ABV): This cold fermented lager was brewed with a generous amount of Munich malt to develop the deep color and rich malt flavor. Amber-russet color, malty flavor, balanced spicy hop bitterness, with a warming alcohol finish.

Old Tavern Rat -- Aged Dark Barley Wine (9.0% ABV): Imperial version of the Lompoc Strong Draft. This ale was brewed last January and was cellared for 10 months prior to its release. Deep mahogany ?brown color, rich and complex malty flavor with enough hop bitterness to help balance the warming alcohol finish.

Holiday Cheer -- Vanilla Porter (7.0% ABV): This robust Porter was infused with fresh vanilla beans. Dark reddish-brown color, rich malty flavor with hints of vanilla, bourbon, honey and roasted malt.

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