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New Meetup: Bengals vs. Eagles GAME WATCH

From: Joe H.
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 8:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Atlanta Cincinnati Bengals Meetup!

What: Bengals vs. Eagles GAME WATCH

When: November 16,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Hudson Grille Perimeter

Meetup Description: WHO DEY and hello again everyone. Well after two weeks of non-losses, I believe the Bengals are going to make it three in a row this weekend against the moribund Eagles. Chad and Marvin have been doing the talking and they are going to back it up this weekend. And you might as well enjoy it with some other Bengals faithful.

We will be at the upstairs bar at the Hudson Grille Perimeter in Perimeter Mall (formerly known as Garrisons). It is right next to the Cheesecake Factory, and you can park in the lot near Dillards. We will be there by 12:30 (just in time for the opening of the bar). Wear your Bengals gear, be loud, and witness the Bengals doubling their win total for the season in only one game. WHO DEY and hope to see you there.

--Joe Hauser

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