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Fw: Call for Data & Society Fellows (due: Jan 24)

From: BetaNYC
Sent on: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 12:31 PM

I wanted to point you to another fellowship opportunity. 


Hello all,

Thanks again for subscribing to the Data & Society mailing list! It's been really exciting to see your individual and collective interest and support expressed via Twitter, email, and elsewhere.

We're working hard on getting Data & Society up and running, with a view to launching the Institute in the next few months – with an incoming class of fellows lined up!

To that end, we're writing today to remind you that the fellowship application deadline is almost on top of us: January 24.

We've added some frequently asked questions to the call for fellows page at (if you don't see your question answered there, please don't hesitate to ping [address removed]).

Please share our call for fellows with anyone whom you think would make a great fellow. And to those who are working on applications, we look forward to reading them!

-the Data & Society team

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