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Twitter Mobile Developer Event: March 11th, New York City

From: Kumi
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2015, 11:11 AM
I hope this message finds you doing well.  

I work in Business Development at Twitter focused on our Platform Partnerships, and I am writing to invite your mobile developers to our Twitter event on March 11th at Skylight Modern, 537 West 27th Street, NY.

It's a free half-day event, and after the keynote, there are a series of technical sessions.  The event is free and we will be providing refreshments throughout.  

To register, just click the link in the invitation below.  

We hope you will join us!



flock 2015  |  View email in browser

I wanted to reach out about Fabric, our new SDK. As part of our plans to educate developers about Fabric and give them a chance to meet the team that built the platform, we are launching Flock, series of developer events in various locations around the world. 

We are coming to New York on March 11th and would love to have you and your mobile app team join us at this event. Space is limited, please register and share this invitation

We look forward to seeing you! 

Kumi Walker    |   @kdwalker    |   Business Development   |    Twitter 

Twitter, Inc.  |  |   @TwitterDev   |   Unsubscribe

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