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Re: [blrdroid] Call methods in system app

From: Ashish Kumar T.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 1:13 PM

It seems that your eclipse workspace is broken somehow.

Have you moved your android-sdk/Project recently? If it's not an Android Project anymore, try to look at Preferences->Android for a valid android sdk-location.

If this is correct, try to open a complete new Workspace, and import your sources with File->import->Android Project from existing Source.

If this still doesn't help, make a new android Project and copy the sources manually inside your Project from outside Eclipse. Re-open Eclipse after that, and make a Project->clean

Hope this helps you.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Karthik Nalliyappan <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Ashish,
I am trying to import the phone app like this.
It's throwing "The import cannot be resolved" error. I understand it's not able to find the package.
But How do we let my code to find this package? This package refers to Phone App in android OS.
I see some of the system apps are calling the methods in another system app in the same way. But those are also showing same error when I import those package to my eclipse. But How does that work in a device?

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Ashish Kumar Tamrakar <[address removed]> wrote:
Can you please share some code, it will be better for us to understand.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Karthik Nalliyappan <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello All,
I am developing an application where I want to call out some methods in phoneapp.
I think we can import the phoneapp package to my code and create a instance of the class to call out the methods. But it says "Package can't be resolved" in my code.
If we want to call out the methods in Phoneapp, how do we do that?
Any ideas please?

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